
Book # 3: I Heart Paris by Lindsey Kelk

What would you do if someone from the past try to ruin what you have in the present? 

My Thoughts:

I'm not really into chick-lit but "I Heart Paris" might have changed the game. I never knew that I'll be so engrossed in reading this book. To be honest, I'm so much into mature romance, and by mature I meant couples who go through extremely difficult circumstances (like Nicholas Sparks level), so this one was really a surprise for me. It was written in a simple and fun way that is very relate able to everyone. When you think about it, the concept of the story is common but the way it was written had me holding on to the book from start to finish. I would tell you why but then I would be spoiling the good parts and I would really love it if you read the book first. At first I knew Angela, the main character isn't someone I'd like, but for some reason, I started to feel for her. I found myself actually caring for every emotion that she experiences and they are definitely a roller coaster of emotions. I found myself hoping for her to get through every that she was going through. I found myself rooting for her happy ever after in every time I flip to another page. Somehow, without you knowing it, the characters grow into you, until you just end up loving them before you even realize it. Another thing that I love about this is that the story reminded me the importance of communication in a relationship. To truly be able to express yourself to your significant other without hesitation. It's easy to say that as long as you're both together and you're both doing just fine, you're communication with each other is already the best. Sadly, sometimes, despite how great your relationship looks like, there will be certain circumstances that could get in the way and the words you both held back from each other might even add up to the problem. Seriously, just be open with each other. Also, despite the past being totally irrelevant for you in your present, you should never hide it to your partner. Your past contributed to your present and your future deserves to know about it. 

 My Favorite Lines

"There was no need to cry. This wasn't the same as last year. This wasn't running away. This was making a choice. I wasn't jumping on a plane and hoping for the best. I was walking calmly on to a train and knowing that the best wasn't always the same as what you wanted"

"Everything else began to melt and he was the only thing in the world, in existence, until suddenly, there wasn't a him and a me anymore. It was us, just us, and everything else slipped away entirely." 

My Favorite Part

What I love most about "I Heart Paris" are the latter part of the story wherein everything is starting to make sense. Certain scenario that left the main character in total chaos were finally explained. And I just love when things are starting to shed some light in the story. I just admire how things are starting to fall into the right place and just give hope for a happy ending. I guess, that's just the optimist in me. 

My Least Favorite Part

I'm so not into the whole fight in a stage filled with audience. I just felt like that part was written in a way that it could be use in movies or series. It felt a little bit off.

My Verdict

I do recommend "I Heart Paris" to those who wants to experience the bitter sweet life of a blogger, turned fashion blogger who was deeply in love with the hottest guy she could ever dream of yet falling into the trap of self doubt and insecurities with the possibility of jeopardizing their relationship. All of these while basking into the beauty of Paris. I give "I Heart Paris" a rating of 4/5. I think that its light and fun way of approach to real life is really commendable. I'm not giving it a perfect score just yet because I feel like there were parts where it was exaggerated. Maybe I just need to read the other books to fully appreciate Angela's life. 

Alanah Writes

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